fredag 17 september 2010

Kinect releasing early?

Is this just a mistake while setting the date of release? Click on the picture to se a larger version.

Is this a mistake? Have anyone heard anything about this?

torsdag 16 september 2010

Kinect and Playstation Move, Amazon ranks #3

Kinect related ranks:

Kinect (4Gb Xbox Bundle): - #1551. Last Week #1929. - #278. Last week #310.

Kinect (250Gb bundle): - #302. - #128. Last week #60.

Kinect (Sensor bar with Kinect Adventures): - #66. Last Week #76. - #19. Last week #52.

Playstation 3 related ranks:

Playstation 3 (The 320 Gb Move bundle): - #384. Last Week #122. - #29. Last Week #42.

Move (The starter bundle): - #9. Last Week #22. - #4. Last Week #14.

Move (Navigation controller only): - #11. Last Week #26. - #9. Last Week at #21.

Move (Wand-controller): - #12. Last Week at #25. - #6. Last Week #15.

fredag 10 september 2010

Wheelchair Racer

Don't watch the video above in full-screen. It looks horrible. Here is a link to it with better quality. I tried to include it as a true link, but it just wouldn't work, so I apologize for that.

This is a game that me and my group (We called us "Tiger Catapult" during the project. See picture below) developed, or rather started to develop during a project in school. This is a racing game where you, in the finished game, would be able to choose from four characters, The Ogre, the Valkyrie, the Pirate and the Gangstah. The lightning bolts you see in this video gives you a resource that you can use to activate different power-ups such as the classic "Speed Boost" but our plans were to include 3 more. Other than this its a racing game with a very unsual theme. It is supposed to make you laugh and the stories behind the characters and why they are in wheelchairs might be revealed later ;)

We don't know if we are ever gonna do anything more with this. We used UDK (Unreal Development Kit) for this and that was... umm.. somewhat problematic in some areas. And the computers at the university only had Ati 3800-series graphics and 4 Gb of ram and UDK recommends 8Gb. This is mostly a problem when it comes to rendering and therefor you can see the "Lightning needs to be rebuilt" in this video. The computer at school weren't powerful enough to render it completely :P

What do you think about games like this? Are they needed? Can you make a game about anything? :)


torsdag 9 september 2010

Kinect and Playstation Move, Amazon ranks #2

Here are the current ranks of the Move and Kinect. Some games are also included, as well as the move navigation controller and move controller. This was taken around 12 midday, UK time.

Kinect related ranks:

Kinect (4Gb Xbox Bundle): - #1,929. Last Week #1,476. - #310. Last week #255.

Kinect (250Gb bundle): - No rank available at the time. - #60.

Kinect (Sensor bar with Kinect Adventures): - #76. Last Week #74. - #52. Last week #69.

Kincetimals: - #1,362. - #807.

Joyride: - #3,840. - #12,371.

Playstation 3 related ranks:

Playstation 3 (The 320 Gb Move bundle): - #122. Last Week #264. - #42. Last Week #97.

Move (The starter bundle): - #22. Last Week #36. - #14. Last Week #23.

Move (Navigation controller only): - #26. Last Week #26. - #21. Last Week at #37.

Move (Wand-controller): - #25. Last Week at #28. - #15. Last Week #21.

Sports Champions: - #94. - #290.

Keep in mind that Amazon ranks updates hourly and that the Move is very close to release :) Move looks like its off to a good start, and Kinect seems to do well too so far :)

söndag 5 september 2010

A letter from the future

"Hello my fellow didleydoo (Didleydoos is the common term for gamers these days. Don't ask me why cause the explanation makes "The hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy" sound like pure logic).

The future is here, for you it is not, but for me it is but your time is my past and my time is your future and we can only meet in the present.

I want to thank all of you for pushing Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony to work on their respective consoles. Today the consoles roam the lands and has evolved into something that is similar to something I believe you call "Pokémons" back in your days. They are now intelligent machines that self-upgrade if they are nurtured right and put to test in different challenges.

The "Nintendo" is the easiest one to catch. Its more like a cuddly white bunny that doesn't scare no one. Although you have to be gentle, it easily breaks under pressure. Think of it as a "Magic Karp". Nurtured right its something completely different.

The "Xbox" however, is a bit trickier to catch. An Xbox is often seen with a giant shroom on its head that spits out read laserbeams that can fry your eyeballs in an instant, if directed straight at your eyes. If nurtured right, the Xbox will evolve into a creature that can do your dishes, or kill your grandma. Only these two things are possible careers for your Xbox. There have been numerous instances of flying Xboxes landing on old people burning them to death with their laserbeam. Naa I'm just kiddin, it can do more things. Its really good at fishing too. And reading books for young kids. Xbox is softer than the Playstation due to something i believe you called Konict or sumthin back in your days.

The Playstation is a devious device. The playstation species has a huge variety in skills, but is harder to nurture. It takes longer time for it to evolve than any other consolemon. The playstation is a bit agressive, but even more so if close to an Xbox. If close to a Nintendo, it gets really calm and protective however. And when protecting something, then it is deadly. The Playstation can emitt and intense burst of sound that blows up any specific body part, and only that part. This is thanks to some device that has evolved over the years, I believe it was called PS YEY back in your days.

I take a lot of pride in catching consolemons and nurture them into reaching their full capacity. Please support all of them so I can continue catching them. They do a lot of good stuff when they are trained, all of them.

Tnx, and take care!"

torsdag 2 september 2010

Kinect and Playstation Move, Amazon ranks

Just wanted to show you the numbers and the rank of those two products at and

Kinect (no console): - #69 in Video Games - #74 in PC & Video Games

Kinect (The 4GB Xbox Bundle): - #255 in Video Games - #1,476 in PC & Video Games

Playstation Move (the starter pack, no console): - #23 in Video Games - #36 in PC & Video Games

Playstation Move (the 320GB bundle): - #97 in Video Games - #264 in PC & Video Games

Playstation Move (Move controller): - #21 in Video Games - #28 in PC & Video Games

Playstation Move (The navigation-controller): - #37 in Video Games - #26 in PC & Video Games

But do remember that its about 2 months til Kinect realeases. So if this is indicating anything it is that the Playstation Move seems to do very well so far :)

This was taken 2010-09-02 at 08:40 in the morning, UK time.